27 Mar Bulgari Magician Magicien Mago @ Baselworld 2017
Bulgari Magician @ Baselworld 2017
Gianlupo ha allietato gli ospiti di Bulgari in diversi eventi:
- Dicembre 2016 : Evento presso Acquario Romano (Roma)
- Marzo 2017: Evento presso Bulgari Hotel Milano
- Aprile 2017: Baselworld 2017 stand Bvlgari
Jean-Christophe Babin, l’amministratore delegato di Bulgari si è complimentato più volte con Gianlupo per la sua professionalità e il suo stile particolare che lo contraddistingue.
Tutta lo staff di Bulgari è rimasto stupito dalle sue performance di illusionismo.
Non è stato scelto un illusionista mago a caso ma l’ufficio “eventi” ha deciso di ingaggiare Gianlupo per le sue qualità, uno stile sobrio ed elegante che si adatta ad ogni situazione anche nei momenti più delicati.
Contattate Gianlupo se volete assistere a delle performance di qualità altamente professionali.
Bulgari Magician @ Baselworld 2017
Gianlupo performed for Bulgari’s guests in several events:
December 2016: Event at Acquario Romano (Rome)
March 2017: Event at Bulgari Hotel Milan
April 2017: Baselworld 2017 Bvlgari stand
Jean-Christophe Babin, Managing Director of Bulgari, has repeatedly complimented Gianlupo for his professionality and his particular style that distinguishes him.
All Bulgari’s staff was amazed with him illusionism performance.
No random magician’s was chosen but the “event” office decided to hire Gianlupo for its qualities, elegant and particular style that suits every situation even in the most delicate moments.
Contact Gianlupo if you want to attend highly professional performance.

bulgari mago magician magicien
Bulgari Magician @ Baselworld 2017
Gianlupo performed for Bulgari’s guests in several events:
December 2016: Event at Acquario Romano (Rome)
March 2017: Event at Bulgari Hotel Milan
April 2017: Baselworld 2017 Bvlgari stand
Jean-Christophe Babin, Managing Director of Bulgari, has repeatedly complimented Gianlupo for his professionality and his particular style that distinguishes him.
All Bulgari’s staff was amazed with him illusionism performance.
No random magician’s was chosen but the “event” office decided to hire Gianlupo for its qualities, elegant and particular style that suits every situation even in the most delicate moments.
Contact Gianlupo if you want to attend highly professional performance.

bulgari mago magician magicien
Bulgari Magician @ Baselworld 2017
Gianlupo performed for Bulgari’s guests in several events:
December 2016: Event at Acquario Romano (Rome)
March 2017: Event at Bulgari Hotel Milan
April 2017: Baselworld 2017 Bvlgari stand
Jean-Christophe Babin, Managing Director of Bulgari, has repeatedly complimented Gianlupo for his professionality and his particular style that distinguishes him.
All Bulgari’s staff was amazed with him illusionism performance.
No random magician’s was chosen but the “event” office decided to hire Gianlupo for its qualities, elegant and particular style that suits every situation even in the most delicate moments.
Contact Gianlupo if you want to attend highly professional performance.

bulgari mago magician magicien