Il Visual Led show è una forma nuova di combinare la giocoleria e la tecnologia. Questo show della durata variabile dai 2 ai 4 minuti viene inserito solitamente prima del Techno Magic Show in modo da poter completare uno show di quasi 10 minuti sul palco. Questo spettacolo è perfetto per gli eventi aziendali sopratutto perché può essere personalizzato trasmettendo sui Led il Logo aziendale o alcune immagini relative all’azienda. Un esplosione di colori che sorprende il pubblico.
Visual Led Show is a modern technological Led Juggling that is combined with the magic of Gianlupo, this is a part of the magic show. The time is from 2 to 4 minutes and is perfect to introduce the Techno Magic Show. This show is suitable for business events. A color explosion that surprise the audience. It is possible stream the Logo Brand and also images about the company.
Le VISUAL LED SHOW spectacle est une nouvelle forme de combinaison de la jonglerie et de la technologie. Ce spectacle durable entre 2 à 4 minutes est habituellement inséré avant la Techno Magic Show de sorte que vous pouvez compléter un spectacle plein de près de 10 minutes sur scène. Ce spectacle est parfait pour les événements d’entreprise en particulier parce qu’il peut être personnalisé en transmettant sur Led LOGO de l’entreprise ou des images sur l’entreprise. Une explosion de couleurs qui surprend le public.
Visual Led Show is a modern technological Led Juggling that is combined with the magic of Gianlupo, this is a part of the magic show. The time is from 2 to 4 minutes and is perfect to introduce the Techno Magic Show. This show is suitable for business events. A color explosion that surprise the audience. It is possible stream the Logo Brand and also images about the company.