[:fr]Digital Techno Illusionist in Dubai for SAMSUNG Note 8 Launch[:]
Illusionista Milano, Prestigiatore Milano, Mago Milano. GianLupo offre Spettacoli di Magia. Show da palco per conventions, cene aziendali e feste private.
Illusionista Milano, Prestigiatore Milano, Mago Milano, techno illusionist
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Digital Techno Illusionist in Dubai for SAMSUNG

Digital Techno Illusionist in Dubai for SAMSUNG

[:it]Digital Techno Illusionist @ Dubai for SAMSUNG Note 8 Launch

Gianlupo ha presentato uno spettacolo personalizzato per il lancio del nuovo Samsung Galaxy Note8 a Dubai. La presentazione è avvenuta presso l’hotel Rixos Premium ed ha accolto giornalisti e dirigenti dell’azienda Coreana. Gianlupo in veste di Techno Illusionist / Digital Illusionist ha creato uno show ad hoc per l’occasione, completamente personalizzato con un storia legata al prodotto.

Lo spettacolo è piaciuto a tutti, compreso Chung Lyong Lee il presidente di Samsung Gulf Electronics.

Lo show è iniziava con Gianlupo che interagiva con un televisore da 65” pollici giocando con luci, tirando fuori oggetti dal TV scopriva di essere “invitato” alla nuova presentazione del Samsung Note 8 e iniziava il suo viaggio alla scoperta del nuovo dispositivo elettronico.

Al termine dello spettacolo una nuvola di coriandoli ha coperto la sala dando il via alla scoperta della Zona Esperienziale dove era possibile visionare da parte di tutti giornalisti e blogger di settore le meravigliose skill tecnologiche del nuovo Samsung.

Gianlupo è un Digital Illusionist sempre disponibile a proporre spettacoli personalizzati per le aziende che richiedono una personalizzazione adeguata. Un ringraziamento particolare va a Frederic Sharp che con la sua agenzia di eventi ha coinvolto Gianlupo e Giulia Mind (assistente di Gianlupo) in questa fantastica avventura.

Di seguito alcune fotografie dello spettacolo:

Quando bisogna scegliere come lanciare un nuovo prodotto aziendale è sempre difficile trovare la soluzione adatta alle proprie esigenze. Gianlupo e il suo staff saranno felici di aiutarvi a presentare una proposta originale e creative affinché la direzione sia soddisfatta della presentazione. L’obbiettivo è quello di creare stupore e far ricordare a tutti dell’evento da sponsorizzare. Digital Techno Illusionist, un nuovo modo di presentare la magia come non l’avete mai visto, effetti tecnologici di alto livello e interazione con la tecnologia.

Per ulteriori informazioni e per richiedere uno spettacolo di GianLupo inviare una richiesta CLICCANDO QUI.

[:en]Digital Techno Illusionist @ Dubai for SAMSUNG Note 8 Launch

Gianlupo performed a custom show for the launch of the new Samsung Galaxy Note8 in Dubai. The launch took place at the Rixos Premium hotel and welcomed journalists and general managers from the Korean company. Gianlupo as a Techno Illusionist / Digital Illusionist has created an personalised show for the occasion, fully personalized with a story related to the product.

The show liked everyone, including Chung Lyong Lee, president of Samsung Gulf Electronics.

The show started with Gianlupo’s interactions with a 65-inch Samsung TV screen, playing with lights, pulling out objects from the TV and found it was “invited” to the new Samsung Note 8 presentation and began its journey to discovering the new electronic device.

At the end of the show, a cloud of confetti covered the room and began the trip inside the “Experience Zone” where it was possible by journalists and bloggers to take a look about the wonderful technological skills of the new Samsung Note8.

Gianlupo is a Digital Techno Illusionist always available to offer custom shows for companies that require proper personalization. Particular thanks goes to Frederic Sharp Magician who has involved Gianlupo and Giulia Mind (Gianlupo’s assistant) in this fantastic adventure.

Below are some photographs of the show:

When you have to choose how to launch a new business product it is always difficult to find the best solution. Gianlupo and his staff will be happy to help you present an original and creative proposal for managing director so their will be happy with the presentation. The goal is to create a good show an amaze the audience and let remind everyone about the event to be sponsored. Digital Techno Illusionist, a new way of presenting magic as you have never seen , high tech effects and technology interaction that will enjoy for sure.

For more information and requests about GianLupo please CLICK HERE.

[:fr]Digital Techno Illusionist @ Dubai for SAMSUNG Note 8 Launch

Gianlupo performed a custom show for the launch of the new Samsung Galaxy Note8 in Dubai. The launch took place at the Rixos Premium hotel and welcomed journalists and general managers from the Korean company. Gianlupo as a Techno Illusionist / Digital Illusionist has created an personalised show for the occasion, fully personalized with a story related to the product.

The show liked everyone, including Chung Lyong Lee, president of Samsung Gulf Electronics.

The show started with Gianlupo’s interactions with a 65-inch Samsung TV screen, playing with lights, pulling out objects from the TV and found it was “invited” to the new Samsung Note 8 presentation and began its journey to discovering the new electronic device.

At the end of the show, a cloud of confetti covered the room and began the trip inside the “Experience Zone” where it was possible by journalists and bloggers to take a look about the wonderful technological skills of the new Samsung Note8.

Gianlupo is a Digital Techno Illusionist always available to offer custom shows for companies that require proper personalization. Particular thanks goes to Frederic Sharp Magician who has involved Gianlupo and Giulia Mind (Gianlupo’s assistant) in this fantastic adventure.

Below are some photographs of the show:

When you have to choose how to launch a new business product it is always difficult to find the best solution. Gianlupo and his staff will be happy to help you present an original and creative proposal for managing director so their will be happy with the presentation. The goal is to create a good show an amaze the audience and let remind everyone about the event to be sponsored. Digital Techno Illusionist, a new way of presenting magic as you have never seen , high tech effects and technology interaction that will enjoy for sure.

For more information and requests about GianLupo please CLICK HERE.

[:RU]Digital Techno Illusionist @ Dubai for SAMSUNG Note 8 Launch

Gianlupo performed a custom show for the launch of the new Samsung Galaxy Note8 in Dubai. The launch took place at the Rixos Premium hotel and welcomed journalists and general managers from the Korean company. Gianlupo as a Techno Illusionist / Digital Illusionist has created an personalised show for the occasion, fully personalized with a story related to the product.

The show liked everyone, including Chung Lyong Lee, president of Samsung Gulf Electronics.

The show started with Gianlupo’s interactions with a 65-inch Samsung TV screen, playing with lights, pulling out objects from the TV and found it was “invited” to the new Samsung Note 8 presentation and began its journey to discovering the new electronic device.

At the end of the show, a cloud of confetti covered the room and began the trip inside the “Experience Zone” where it was possible by journalists and bloggers to take a look about the wonderful technological skills of the new Samsung Note8.

Gianlupo is a Digital Techno Illusionist always available to offer custom shows for companies that require proper personalization. Particular thanks goes to Frederic Sharp Magician who has involved Gianlupo and Giulia Mind (Gianlupo’s assistant) in this fantastic adventure.

Below are some photographs of the show:

When you have to choose how to launch a new business product it is always difficult to find the best solution. Gianlupo and his staff will be happy to help you present an original and creative proposal for managing director so their will be happy with the presentation. The goal is to create a good show an amaze the audience and let remind everyone about the event to be sponsored. Digital Techno Illusionist, a new way of presenting magic as you have never seen , high tech effects and technology interaction that will enjoy for sure.

For more information and requests about GianLupo please CLICK HERE.
